To Conquer Self-Animosity

(Yoga for Prosperity, Siri Kirpaul Kaur Khalsa, p. 48 and The Aquarian Teacher, p. 397)

Posture: Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine.

Focus: Focus on the tip of the nose.

Breath: Inhale deeply through the nose, exhale completely through the mouth. Inhale deeply and smoothly through the mouth, exhale completely through the nose.

Mantra: There is no mantra.

Mudra: Relax the arms by the sides and bring the hands up to the level of the heart. Make fists of the hands with the thumbs extended and pointing up. The fists and thumbs touch each other. Maintain an alert attitude and keep the torso steady (no rocking back and forth).

Time: 3 – 11 minutes. The time may be built up to 22 minutes, but no more.

End: Inhale deeply, hold for 5 - 10 seconds and exhale.

Comment: There are no enemies. There are challenges to our creativity. The greatest enemy is self. Self-defeating activity and self-animosity occur where we do not accept ourselves. We instinctively reject self-confirmed continuity. We will oppose our own success and accomplishment just to break with steadiness. That break is the assertion of ego--an attempt at marking and possessing something in Time and Space. This self-animosity distracts us from the real gift of human life--the capacity to confront and experience the self in relationship to the Unknown Infinity of our Self.

Practicing this meditation helps break the cycle of self-loathing and self-destructive activity. It enhances the qualities of constancy and steadiness and enables us to stay aligned with our core truth. Practicing this meditation brings a joyful quality to the mind.


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