Kriyas, Meditations, Recipes, Tips, and Writings
Over 300 Resources!
How to use this page: Scroll down to the bottom of the page to browse through different kriyas/meditations/etc. Click on the title to view an individual resource. You may also use the search box below to find something specific.
Kundalini Yoga teachers do not sequence their own sets of exercises. Instead, they teach sets of yoga exercises, or ‘kriyas,’ as Yogi Bhajan taught them. Yogi Bhajan left approximately 8,000 sets or sequences of yoga exercises.
‘Kriya’ means a ‘complete action.’ The exercises in the order given and for the length of time specified are a ‘complete action.’ They have a ‘complete action,’ or, a specific and complete effect, on a particular aspect of the body, mind, emotions and spirit.
Yogi Bhajan was the Master of Kundalini Yoga. The Master’s touch is in each of these kriyas/yoga sets. The touch of a Master who has realized the ‘Self within the self’ is the best guide to opening the same place in yourself.
You do not need to be a Kundalini Yoga Teacher in order to experience the kriyas listed here. You do not need to go to a Kundalini Yoga class to practice these kriyas.
Choose a kriya that ‘speaks’ to you. Practice it regularly with devotion and positive intent. A certified teacher can always help you with pointers for improvement. Then, notice the improvements in your body, mind, emotions and spirit…guaranteed!
Meditation is an integral part of Kundalini Yoga. Every Kundalini Yoga class includes meditation. Each class is focused to create a foundation of attention so that the practitioner can enter into a meditative state.
Kundalini Yogis have, quite literally, thousands of meditations from which to choose. Yogi Bhajan left us approximately 5,000 different meditations!
The meditations in Kundalini Yoga are varied and include breath meditations, chanting meditations, silent meditations and visualizations. Some meditations involve mudras (hand positions) that change and others are practiced with a partner.
The meditations listed here are just a small sampling of Yogi Bhajan’s legacy. Choose one. Practice it daily for the prescribed amount of time. Then, notice the positive changes in yourself…guaranteed!
KYL’s Sunday morning class ends at noon. Prior to the pandemic, immediately afterwards we shared a vegetarian meal together. We call it ‘potluck’ but we’re imitating the Sikh tradition of ‘langar’ where a free vegetarian meal is served to all without regard to religion, gender or economic status.
‘Langar’ is a group meal where everyone sits together on the floor to eat. Typically, ‘langar’ implies an act of service of those who prepare the food for those who will eat.
When KYL has its' Sunday potluck there’s always a main dish (veggie, of course!). And, without prior coordination between those who attend class there always seems to be more than enough of everything else that’s needed for our meal!
The recipes listed here were unanimously chosen for posting by those who’ve eaten at KYL’s Sunday potlucks over the years. So, if you’re looking for great veggie recipes for yourself or for others … you’ve come to the right place!
Check out tips on cooking, fasting, yoga, and more!
Shakta has a wealth of knowledge and often writes blogs and articles about Kundalini Yoga, Breathwalk, best practices for teaching 30, 60, and 90 minute classes, and more!
Search Tip: Type in “Kriyas” to see all Kriyas, “Meditations” to see all Meditations, etc.
3 Minute Meditation for Prosperity and Self-Esteem
3 Minute Meditation for Prosperity and Self-Esteem
Meditation to Adjust Your Magnetic Field after an Earthquake
Meditation to Adjust Your Magnetic Field after an Earthquake
Balance and Recharge the Nervous and Immune Systems
Balance and Recharge the Nervous and Immune Systems
Complete Adi Mantra for Individual Meditation
Complete Adi Mantra for Individual Meditation