To Completely Neutralize Tension

(Yoga for People from Whacky Families, p. 41)

Posture: Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine (or in Lotus Pose).

Focus: The eyes are 1/10th open (“drunk eyes”). As the meditation progresses, they may close all the way.

Breath: Inhale and completely exhale as you change “Sat Nam” in a 35 to 1 ratio.


SAT = Truth

NAM = Name

Mudra: From a relaxed position at the sides of the body, bend at the elbows and bring the forearms up and in toward each other until the hands meet at the heart level.

Face both palms up and cross the right palm over the left palm with the fingers extended and joined. Place the left thumb in the center of the right palm and cross the right thumb over the left thumb.

Time: Not indicated. You may always practice for 3, 7, 11, 22 or 31 minutes.

Comments: This is an extremely relaxing meditation. It completely neutralizes tension and puts you in the most relaxing situation you can possibly imagine.

By doing this meditation for 40 days you can re-vitalize your glandular system and re-establish glandular equilibrium.


To Command Your Five Tattvas


To Connect With Your Source