Shakta Kaur - Yoga Teacher

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Jupiter Kriya: 2007 Prosperity Meditation of the Year

Taught by Yogi Bhajan in Hamburg, Germany, Prosperity Course, February 4, 1990.

INTENTION: While you are meditating, ask for opportunities to flow into you. "This kriya,called Jupiter Kriya, brings prosperity home. It is powerful enough to clear out the garbage in your subconscious mind. Your own electromagnetic psyche shall be tuned in with the Universal electromagnetic field."

PART 1 Posture: Interlock the index fingers, also called the Jupiter fingers, at the middle segment. The left index finger hooks down over the right. The right index finger hooks horizontally with the left. Bring the mudra to the Heart Center (the center of the chest) with the arms parallel to the ground. If you hold the hands too low, it will cause a depression. Keep the spine straight.Variation: you may also hold the mudra at the level of the Brow Point (between the eyebrows).

If you hold the posture at the Heart Center, you will be an achiever. If you hold it at the Third Eye, you will have the strongest projection you can have.” --Yogi Bhajan

Breath: Make the lips round, as if you were drinking water. Then breathe deeply through the mouth. Exhale through the nose. Breathe in like you are breathing in prosperity, like you are drinking water. Drink the prana (breath of life) through the mouth and exhale through the nose.

Eyes: Fix your eyes at the tip of the nose. Totally relax your face.

Mantra: Listen deeply to the "Har Har Har Har Gobinday" mantra chanted by Nirinjan Kaur while you keep the breath going. This sound of the breath and the mantra guarantees prosperity.

Har har har har Gobinday (God, God, God, God the Sustainer) Har har har har Mukhanday (God … the Liberator) Har har har har Udaaray (God … the Enlightener) Har har har har Apaaray (God … the Infinite) Har har har har Hareeang (God … the Destroyer) Har har har har Kareeang (God … the Creator) Har har har har Nirnamay (God… the Nameless) Har har har har Akaamay (God … the Desireless)

PART 2 Posture: Keeping the Jupiter (index) fingers interlocked, raise the arms and hold the mudra over the head.

Eyes: Keep the eyes focused at the tip of the nose.

Breath: Same as in Part 1.

Mantra: Same as Part 1.

Continue for 5 minutes, whether you are doing the meditation for 31 or 62 minutes.

This posture is done to establish brain strength. It will strengthen the grey matter. It creates a halo around your forehead — a sign of good luck.

PART 3 Posture: Keeping the Jupiter fingers interlocked, lower the arms and hold the mudra at the Navel Center.

Eyes: Keep the eyes focused at the tip of the nose.

Breath: Same as Part 1.

Mantra: Same as Part 1.

Continue for 2 minutes, whether you are doing the meditation for 31 or 62 minutes.

To End: Shake the hands and your entire body very vigorously for one minute. Every part of your body that you move will be your friend.

Comments: Jupiter is the Lord of Knowledge. By holding the fingers in the Jupiter lock, you will invoke the Jupiter guidance. By looking at the tip of your nose, you will control your mind to achieve it. By breathing a full breath inside the pranic energy, you will bring the result home. By the sound current, you will change the neurons of the brain to set a pattern of success. There is a subliminal, computerized permutation and combination in the sound of the mantra to assure prosperity.

If you are doing this meditation for 31 minutes, continue Part 1 for 24 minutes.

If you are doing this meditation for 62 minutes, continue Part 1 for 55 minutes.

In 3 minutes, it will start breaking the blocks. Yawn or sneeze, don’t interfere with body language. You have tensions of years and years. Let that go. After approximately 11 minutes, the thought patterns in your head should start to change and your body should start to relax. With those tensions gone, you will start finding new horizons. About 15 minutes into the meditation, certain things which have been blocking you will start to tremble as blocked energy is released. After approximately 22 minutes, you will start to face your mental blocks, which need your perfect attention. Keep the breath strong and full as the fight starts between you and your mind.

If you do this once a week for 62 minutes at a regular time, that’s all you need. Within you there is a capacity to bring prosperity home. This kriya, called Jupiter Kriya, brings prosperity home. It is powerful enough to clear out the garbage in your subconscious mind. Your own electromagnetic psyche shall be tuned in with the Universal electromagnetic field.

This shall give you special energy and competence.

There is hardly any possibility that you will have a problem. This meditation can be done for 31 minutes, out of kindness, but the requirement is to do it for 62 minutes.” -Yogi Bhajan