Warm-Up Exercise Set

(Transitions to a Heart-Centered World, p. 23).

Rock Pose Spinal Flex. Sitting on the heels, flex the spine forward and back, inhaling “Sat,” exhaling “Nam.” Keep the chest high and the chin in.

Rock Pose Spinal Twists. Sitting on the heels, put the hands on the shoulders, fingers in front, thumbs in back. Keep the forearms parallel to the floor. Inhale “Sat” as you twist to the left, exhale “Nam” as you twist to the right.

Rock Pose Shoulder Shrugs. Still sitting on the heels, place the palms of the hands on the thighs. Inhale, raising the shoulders to the ears, exhale, letting the entire shoulder girdle drop down. Inhale, mentally chanting “Sat,” exhale, mentally chanting “Nam.”

Rock Pose Neck Rolls. Still sitting on the heels, roll the left ear to the left shoulder, roll the head back, roll the right ear to the right shoulder and roll the head forward. Continue making slow, continuous circles. Reverse the direction.

Cat / Cow. Come onto all “fours.” Have the thighs straight down from the hips, the knees below the hips, about two fists width apart between the knees. Have the elbows and hands straight down from the shoulders. Put the heels together. On the inhale, press the tummy towards the floor, arching your lower back down, keeping your head lifted. This is Cow. On the exhale, move the lower back first, the chest and then the head, arching your shoulders up into an angry “Halloween” cat! Then continuously, fluidly, move the lower back, chest and head back into Cow. Inhale, mentally chanting “Sat,” exhale, mentally chanting “Nam.”

Life Nerve Stretch Front. Come sitting down with your legs stretched out in front. Hold onto your thighs, knees, shins, whatever you can hold onto without rounding your back. Elongate your spine and exhale, bringing your chest as close to your thighs as possible. Inhale “Sat,” bringing your torso upright. Exhale “Nam,” bringing your chest as close to your thighs as possible and continue.

Life Nerve Stretch Left. Stretch the left leg out in front of you straight; right foot against the inner thigh of the left leg, heel held close to the groin. Hold on to the shin or foot with both hands. Keep the left foot at a right angle to the ground. Elongate your spine and exhale, gently stretching forward and then down, using your back like a hinge. Inhale, and bring your torso upright. Inhale “Sat,” exhale “Nam” with this movement and continue.

Life Nerve Stretch Right. Stretch the right leg out in front of you straight; left foot against the inner thigh of the right leg, heel held close to the groin. Elongate the spine and, as above, exhale down and inhale up.

Exercises #7 and #8 stretch the life nerve (inner thigh). They are also good for the lower back, stretching the hamstrings and relaxing the quads. Front stretch right is part of the liver series. It is one of several positions that places pressure on the lobes of the liver.

Life Nerve Stretch Wide Legs. Both legs stretched out in front, as wide as you can go. Hold on to your thighs, knees or shins, whatever you can reach on to without rounding your back. Inhale, elongating the spine and mentally chanting “Sat,” exhale, bringing the chest to the thighs, mentally chanting “Nam.”

Comments: This warm-up series was taught by Yogi Bhajan in a class on September 7, 1974.


Wake-Up the Body to Handle Stress and Strain


Warm-Up Stretching Series