End Your Karma and Connect with the Endless Circle of Infinite Prosperity

Posture: Sit in easy pose or in a chair with your spine straight. Lift the chest high, chin in (i.e., Neck Lock).

Focus: The eyes are focused at the root, or, top of the nose (also called the ‘third eye point.’)

Breath: Take one deep inhale through the nose. Use this one breath to sing the entire mantra. If you run out of air, rather than taking another deep breath, simply sniff in a little air through your nose.

Mantra: Hari Hari Hari Hari Hari Hari Har

The last word, ‘Har,’ is held out the same length of time that it takes to chant the first six ‘Haris.’ It should take approximately ten seconds to chant the first six ‘Haris’ and another ten seconds to chant the final ‘Har.’ The entire repetition of the mantra takes a total of about 20 seconds.

Mudra: Put your left hand, palm facing up, at the level of your diaphragm; then put your right hand on top of your left hand with the fingers straight and your palm facing up. Touch your thumbs lightly together.

Time: Begin with 11 minutes and slowly work up to 31 minutes.

End: Inhale through your nose and suspend the breath for 5 to 10 seconds, then exhale through your nose. Repeat this two more times. As you inhale the first time, feel that you are totally complete. You already have everything you need — you simply have to accept it. As you exhale feel this energy permeate every cell in your body. The second time you can inhale knowledge, wisdom and healing. As you exhale, release all your pain, anxiety, stress and suffering back to the universe. As you inhale the final time, tighten the base of your spine (pull Mulbandh) and pull all of your energy up. As you exhale your breath out this last time, deeply relax.

Comments: Concentrate on the sound and really engage the mantra. This meditation opens you up to attracting and receiving exactly what you need. Don’t put too much energy into the form your prosperity will take, because the reality is that the Universe will bring you exactly what you need. It is important to place yourself into a receptive mode as opposed to pursuing something aggressively. Let the universe serve you. Cultivate the idea that you don’t simply desire to end your karma or attract prosperity into your life; rather, you actually deserve it. In other words, deserve, don’t desire.


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